Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president came into power in 2000. He carefully plotted the way up right from his KGB days from 1975. And post service years at the Intelligence Agency, he began learning the political ropes.
In 17 years under two terms of office, Putin took on Georgia and Crimea, well tucked in his pocket. And now, with his tanks rolled into Ukraine, February 24, 2022, the third war is well underway. Maybe the third laurel is in the making.
He has warned meddlesome Nations to steer clear of his path or face severe consequences. Perhaps, this marks the arrival of modern-day Colossus, who is focused on re-establishing complete Soviet authority in the region.
But who is Vladimir Putin? From where does he derive his power and what forges the audacity of his actions?
Putting, aged 69 was born in October 1952 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. He went to school and at the university level, he studied law at Leningrad State University. With the disposition for statecraft, he chose to join the KGB. Putin rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel after 12 years of service as foreign intelligence officer. He retired in 1990.
Militarily, Ukraine played a card to its own disadvantage. It turned all the strategic weaponry in its control to Russia. It was in exchange for protection and maintaining the sanctity orders of 70. Today, all those are gone with the wind. That tornado blew away Crimea, Donbas and now threatens the soul of Ukraine.
Like Hitler of the World War era of the 1940s, who wanted a greater United Germany, here comes Putin. What the Soviet States failed to achieve before disintegration in the early 90s, Putin is aiming to do.
Unifying his Soviet motherland appears to be a sleeping thought and waking desire.
In 2008, he plucked up Georgia, and 2014 Crimea. And 2022, he feels Ukraine is low-hanging enough to put into his Kitty.
While they were engaging in pressing him out of invading Ukraine using sanctions as a subtle weapon, Putin had concluded D-Day.
The existence of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Europe is a military threat to Russia. It is a defense organ for small weaker States which may fall prey to Russia.
Now that Ukraine, which intended to join NATO is under Putin’s hammer, the smaller countries are jittery. And NATO must rise to the occasion to keep its military bases at alert.
Of Putin, he has a trait of a lower sense of danger. He is not easily intimidated. Ordinarily, invading a sovereign nation calls for serious caution. It is not a common and normal contemplation, but not for Putin. He takes on Ukraine without batting an eyelid. Consequences? From where? He dares the NATO Nations or any other to interfere and be sorry.
Putin, as presidential staff, headed the Federal Security Service in 1998 under President Boris Yeltsin.
Shortly after, the office of secretary of the Security Council fell to him.
Here was a stepping stone to the Prime Minister’s job to which Yeltsin appointed him in 1999.
He cut his teeth in military propaganda and Warfare in relaunching an attack on Chechnya from which Russia pulled out in mid 90s.
He had assumed the position of Prime Minister and commenced action against Chechnya in 1999.
The war against Chechnya is believed to be based on trumped-up accusations against the Secessionist State. The bombings in different Russian cities by Chechnya were never really proved.
This continued even after he won the presidential election in March 2000.
He did not quite pull it through and ended the war engagement in 2002.
Vladimir Putin fights inside too. He has silenced critics, allegedly poisoned opposition figures and imprisoned citizens who disagreed with him.
Sweeping the Russian parliament aside, he now wars with Ukraine on a unilateral decision.
In Moscow and other Russian cities, voices of dissent against action on Ukraine are stifled, arresting many at will.
A close look at the aggression leaves Europe mouth agape.
It is only a matter of when to have him bully smaller and weaker independent Soviet States after Ukraine?
Who will stop Vladimir Putin? And he has more than a decade more to stay in power still.