The harrowing case of Hope Zinde, a renowned TV anchor, and her son, Mark Warona Zinde, rocked South Africa in 2016. Hope’s tragic murder, discovered in her home, led to Mark’s arrest and subsequent conviction. The case shed light on mental health and domestic turmoil, sparking discussions on societal challenges. The story captivated the nation, unraveling a deeply distressing narrative of a respected figure’s untimely demise at the hands of her own son.
Wednesday, January 15
- Diamonds in the making: celebrating exceptional service!
- Abnormal load truck overturns, loses its load
- SAPS Air Wing leads rescue operation and saves young woman trapped in the Nkomazi River, Mpumalanga
- Operation Shanela on a mission to ensure a safe and secure learning environment for the 2025 academic year
- Two suspects arrested in the murder of former Magistrate Piet Bester
- Weekend Festive Season operations make strides in Ekurhuleni District
- New Administration to Take Over in Challenging Era for the Pentagon
- Jim Knaub (1956-2024) – Tall Poppy with a Cause.