Following the devastating blaze at South Africa’s Parliament, Zandile Mafe, accused of starting the fire, was declared unfit for trial due to schizophrenia. Despite this, Mafe, who admitted to igniting the flames in protest, asserts readiness for trial. The fire, engulfing the historic complex during lawmakers’ absence, caused extensive damage and highlighted security lapses. Repair estimates exceed $120 million, with a projected three-year restoration timeline, as legal complexities surround Mafe’s case.
Saturday, January 18
- Police recover stolen copper cable and one suspect die during a shootout
- Search for suspect(s) underway following a fatal shooting of a police commander
- Breakthrough in the matric leak investigation
- El plan de paz de Putin no es de paz
- District Commissioner welcomes recipients of Eastern Cape Service Excellence Awards
- Top 5 European destinations South Africans are flocking to in 2025
- Police launched manhunt for suspects after five men were hacked to death in Inanda
- Celebrating Excellence of the Hollywoodbets Super League Award Nominees